ast vyast example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest अस्त व्यस्त ast vyast news and headlines :
1. राजधानी देहरादून में भी भारी बारिश के चलते जीवन अस्त व्यस्त हो गया हैamarujala.com2. राजधानी देहरादून सहित अन्य पहाड़ी इलाकों में बारिश होने से जन जीवन अस्त व्यस्त हो गयाamarujala.com3. मुंबई में बारिश की वजह से जन-जीवन अस्त व्यस्त हो गया है
4. भारी बारिश से जनजीवन अस्त व्यस्त LiveHindustan5. जिला चंबा में बारिश से आम जनजीवन अस्त व्यस्त होकर रह गया है jagran.com6. जनजीवन अस्त व्यस्त है और शहरों के हालात समंदर जैसे हो गए हैं 1. Bazin, a woman in her vestal function of the social virtues which this chaotic world has the greatest need 2. Finally, the ground cover is destroyed, and the moving mass appears completely chaotic 3. Of course, the line is sometimes chaotic and some overflows do not bear the mark of the surest taste 4. The Childhood of Gorky unites the original fascination of infancy at the memory, his chaotic sequence at its inexhaustible richness 5. The distinction between a higher world in which are made perfect circular movements described by harmonic reports and simple numbers and a chaotic world and corruptible sublunar dates from this period

Given are the examples of hindi word ast vyast usage in english sentences. The examples of ast vyast are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., chaotic, scattered, awry, dishevelled, disheveled, disordered, upside down, rumpled, tousled, ungroomed, unordered, frowzled, disorderly.

Novels produced a number of common interests among their scattered and varied readers.

Population of these species is very small in the world; they are confined to limited areas or thinly scattered over a wider area.
Italians were scattered over several dynastic states as well as the multi-national Habsburg Empire.
You can see the large number of small plots scattered around the village in the picture.
We may now formulate another postulate: in an isolated system, there is always a tendency for the systems' energy to become more disordered or chaotic and this could be a criterion for spontaneous change ! At this point, we introduce another thermodynamic function, entropy denoted as S.
If the structure of the products is very much disordered than that of the reactants, there will be a resultant increase in entropy.
One way to calculate the degree of disorder or chaotic distribution of energy among molecules would be through statistical method which is beyond the scope of this treatment.
Thus, temperature is the measure of average chaotic motion of particles in the system.
The unorganised sector is characterised by small and scattered units which are largely outside the control of the government.
These minerals are scattered throughout the earth's rocky crust”.
संबंधित शब्द अस्त व्यस्त के पर्यायवाची अस्त व्यस्त के विपरीत शब्द

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